COTEC, of which Jorge Portugal is the general-director, was present at Hannover Messe, one of the major fairs of industrial technology worldwide.
COTEC, leaded by the Portuguese Diaspora counselor Jorge Portugal, was in Hannover Messe, one of the major fairs of industrial technology worldwide. In an era in which the innovation on companies has to pass through the collaboration between many actors, the entrepreneurial association has new links between knowledge centers and innovation hubs.
We know that today, above all, the new knowledge and technological capacity don’t reside only in one region. It resides in many. And also the opportunities of collaboration aren’t only limited to the borders. The effort of growth and investment in innovation of a small and medium company with limited resources will be made in collaboration”, argues Jorge Portugal.
The panoply of digital technologies is vast and, therefore, “no country, no technological hub, can dominate everything. We are condemned to collaborate. The countries that collaborate more are the ones that will also take bigger advantages and a quicker capacity of assimilation”. Cotec believes that, in this stage, “it is important to continue to promote the cooperation and approach between companies and the knowledge center, fundamentally in wider perspective, besides borders”. “The first step to the implementation of knowledge is to raise awareness outside of what is the capacity of the country and companies and that is the exactly the motivation” to come to this fair, said the responsible.
Read the full article HERE.
By Dinheiro Vivo, May 2018