The Portuguese Diaspora Council organized the 2nd Annual Meeting, at Palácio da Cidadela, in Cascais, on December 2014.
In December 2014 took place the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Diaspora Council, at Palácio da Cidadela, in Cascais.
Among the participants and the Portuguese Councelors, were the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and Honorary Vice-President and the President of the Portuguese Republic and Honorary President of the Council, Prof. Aníbal Cavaco Silva.
This annual meeting had two discussion themes:
- Portugal has nearshoring Go-To-Country
In this panel was discussed the position of Portugal has a place to create centres of entrepreneurial services in operations of outsourcing and nearshoring.
- Prevention disease and health promotion
Portugal has good conditions to accelerate its disease prevention plan, thanks to its infrastructures and health competent and well prepared professionals – with quality education and internationally recognized scientific research.
By The Portuguese Diaspora Council, December 2014