Constitution of the Portuguese Diaspora Council
with the High Patronage of the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

The Portuguese Diaspora Council was founded with the High Patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic, named Honorary President of the association, and of the Ministry of State and of the Foreign Affairs, as Honorary-Vice President.

Twenty-four founding-partners subscribed the act of Constitution of the Council, held in Palácio de Belém, on 26th of December of 2012.

In the occasion, the then President of the Republic, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, underlined «The strength of the relations with the Portuguese communities and the Portuguese descendants in the world have been a major priority of my mandates since the first day. So therefore, I cannot but congratulate the constitution of the Portuguese Diaspora Council, an initiative of a group of Portuguese that live and work abroad, in positions of great prominence.

The Portuguese Diaspora Council develops the idea of mobilizing influent Portuguese citizens to contribute for the uplift of the country’s image and reputation in the world, raising awareness of the potential of Portugal and giving shape to a mission of structuring a network of talent and expertise in the Portuguese communities, in the fields of economy, culture, science and citizenship.
I give my sincere congratulations to those who contributed to making possible the creation of this Portuguese Diaspora Council, specially to the founding-partners, who are willing to contribute to support Portugal».

Eixos centrais de atuação do Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa

O Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa tem como eixos fundamentais de atuação:

  1. Promover e organizar a institucionalização de uma rede de contactos entre os portugueses e luso-descendentes a residirem no exterior;
  2. Estruturar e coordenar um processo de comunicação regular entre os membros da rede;
  3. Fomentar e aprofundar as relações e atividades de ligação entre os membros da associação e as instituições nacionais;
  4. Estabelecer e aprofundar as ligações da associação com outras redes de comunidades portuguesas no exterior.