June 29, 2018

António Vitorino elected director-general for IOM

The Portuguese António Vitorino was elected director-general for International Organization for Migration (IOM).

António Vitorino was elected by acclamation for a five years mandate, defeating on the fouth round the Costa-Rican Laura Thompson, vice-director-general of IOM.

On the third round the third candidate was moved away, Ken Isaacs (USA), interrupting the successive election of a North-American for that position on the last half century.

The election of António Vitorino occurs a year and a half after the António Guterres taking charge as secretary-general of the United Nations.

“António Vitorino’s election increases our international visibility” and at a time when “migrations are on the spotlight”, the new director-general of IOM “can give a really important contribution for the resolution of this problem”, stated the ambassador Martins da Cruz, former minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal.

António Vitorino will take charge on October 1, when the five years second mandate of the current director-general, William Lacy Swing, finishes.

By Diário de Notícias, June 2018