Patrícia Oliveira Teles


  • Company Print4You
  • Country Mozambique
  • Sector Comercy

Patrícia Oliveira Teles has a degree in Business Administration from IPP-ESEIG. An entrepreneur since the age of 24, in 2012 she moved to Mozambique to found Print4You Mozambique, which specializes in Print Outsourcing. In just over 3 years, the company has achieved and maintained a leading position in its sector, serving highly prestigious clients, including 12 commercial banks.

In addition to his business involvement, he regularly takes part in voluntary activities and social actions. She contributes monthly as a patron of the Centro Social da Paróquia de Gulpilhares, Aldeias SOS and other social organizations.

Patrícia Oliveira Teles has been a member of the Portuguese Diaspora Council since December 2023.