December 14, 2022

Signing of the Collaboration Protocol with the Rede Global da Diáspora Initiative

On December 14, 2022, in Porto, the Portuguese Diaspora Council signed a collaboration protocol with the Rede Global da Diáspora (Global Diaspora Network) initiative, focused on supporting SMEs and coordinated by the AEP Foundation.

The Rede Global da Diáspora is a project promoted by the AEP Foundation, co-financed by FEDER, via COMPETE, which aims to bring Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises closer to the Diaspora.

This Collaboration protocol signed between the Portuguese Diaspora Council and the Rede Global da Diáspora provides for the complementarity of the actions of the two associations, where appropriate, with joint actions focusing on participation in activation sessions with Portuguese communities , collaborations in business missions involving Portuguese Diaspora and, possibly, expansion of the Portuguese Diaspora network.

Depending on specific cases, the Diaspora Council will try to get its local networks of Councilors to help concrete activities in this community of entrepreneurs.