September 7, 2018

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s conference

Lisbon is the city of the 14th International ADPD Conference, promoted by the counselor Tiago Fleming Outeiro, dedicated to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, on March 26-31 2019.

This was achieved through the efforts of Tiago Fleming Outeiro, director of the Department of Experimental Neurodegeneration at the University Medical Center Goettingen, in Germany.

During the past few years, Tiago worked with the organizers of ADPD to attract this major conference to Portugal. “This was a great achievement, as we have a unique opportunity to showcase the high quality research Portuguese scientists are doing in this field”, said Tiago Outeiro

With the aging of the human population, the number of people affected by these devastating disorders is increasing, posing major socio-economic challenges to modern societies. “Sadly, we still do not have any effective therapies that can prevent or halt the progression of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease”, adds Tiago Outeiro.

The ADPD is the largest conference in the field of both diseases, and brings together the major researchers in the field, enabling them to discuss ideas and plan future work aimed at the discovery of novel therapeutics.

The Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa, was instrumental in the support of this initiative, which counts as well with the High Patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic and the Portuguese Government.

By Portuguese Diaspora Council, September 2018